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24X7 Virinchi Assistance

040-46 999 999

Specialities we treat


Cutting Edge Technology With Advanced Clinical Speciality

A Virinchi Hospitals vezető egészségügyi szolgáltatóként ismert, és a szakszolgáltatások széles skáláját kínálja, amelyek kielégítik az egyének különböző egészségügyi szükségleteit. A Virinchi Hospitals csúcsminőségű létesítményeivel, tapasztalt egészségügyi szakembereivel és elkötelezett támogató személyzetével jelentős mércét állított fel az indiai világszínvonalú egészségügyi ellátás nyújtásában. A Virinchi kórházak szakterületei számos orvosi területet ölelnek fel, mint például a kardiológia, neurológia, ortopédia, gasztroenterológia, nefrológia, urológia és még sok más. Minden osztály fejlett technológiával és kiváló orvosi szakértelemmel büszkélkedhet, hogy biztosítsa a betegek optimális egészségügyi ellátását. Az egészségügyi kiválóság mellett a pénzügyi tranzakciók kényelme is jelentős szerepet játszik a felhasználó általános élményének javításában. Ahogy az azonnali kifizetes casinoértékeljük, ahol a nyertes résztvevők gyors elszámolást kapnak, az egészségügyi intézmények is a gyorsabb és hatékonyabb fizetési folyamatok felé haladnak. Képzelje el, ha a Virinchi Hospitals orvosi szolgáltatásai az azonnali kifizetésű kaszinók gyors és zökkenőmentes jellegét tartalmazzák. Ez azt jelentené, hogy kevesebb időt kell a fizetési eljárások miatt aggódni, és több időt kell fordítani az egészség helyreállítására. A „gyors kifizetesek” vagy a „gyors kifizetések” hatékonysága ebben a két szektorban eleinte összefüggetlennek tűnhet, de az alapelv ugyanaz – az idő a lényeg, a gyors tranzakciók nyújtotta kényelem pedig kiemelten fontos.

Cardiac care

At Virinchi People’s Hospital cardiac surgeons work together to evaluate, diagnose and treat conditions of the heart utilizing the most advanced techniques and technologies, to achieve the best possible results.

Orthopedic Care

The orthopedic department aims to treat the problems caused to the musculoskeletal system., including bone, joint, ligament, tendons & muscles.

Neuro Care & Rehabilitation

Neurosurgery is the branch of medicine that provides both operative and nonoperative management of disorders that affect the central and peripheral nervous systems, including their supportive structures and vascular supply.

Nephro Care

Our NephroCare dialysis programme ensures that patients receive the best quality care by employing the best staff and the latest innovative treatments.


When you deal with recurring stomach pain, acid reflux or other problems with digestion, the gastroenterology specialists at Virinchi People’s Hospital can help.

Transplant Care

One of the keys to transplant success is high-quality post-transplant care delivered at a center that is readily accessible to the patient.


Our Virinchi People’s Hospital urologists offer comprehensive care and work with patients to find the best individualized treatment for their urologic conditions.


Virinchi People’s Hospital Pulmonary Care provides complete diagnostic testing and treatment services in modern, patient-centered facilities for all types of respiratory system conditions.


Our ENT doctors specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases and disorders of the head and neck.

Bariatric Surgery

If you’re ready to lose weight, Virinchi Hoapital offers a full range of surgical weight loss options with step-by-step education, guidance and support.

Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Our experts in cosmetology reshape the appearance of body parts making it look better through cosmetic surgery.

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Gynecology & Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that’s concerned with a women’s life including childbirth and midwifery.

Allergy Clinic

Virinchi Allergy Clinic offers the experience and expertise necessary to accurately diagnose and treat a full range of allergic conditions


Anesthesia is a state of controlled, temporary loss of sensation. We believe in putting our patients first, so we take pain management and patient comfort very seriously.

Cardiothoracic Surgery

At Virinchi People’s Hospital , we’ve invested in groundbreaking services to deliver outstanding, comprehensive heart and vascular care.

Cancer Care

In the fight against cancer, you are never alone with Virinchi People’s Hospital. From diagnosis to treatment to recovery, you will be surrounded by a team of highly skilled professionals.

Critical Care Management

The Department of Critical Care at Virinchi People’s Hospitals is a level III centre with an extensive network of Intensive Care Units that provide responsive care for the management of all critically ill patients.

Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery

We help patients through their diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of disorders affecting the facial complex and skeleton, including the jaws and oral cavity


A Virinchi People’s Hospital, our expert dermatologist help patients find the best individualized treatment for their skin conditions, including eczema and skin allergies

Emergency Care

Comprehensive emergency services and the highest level of care to any patient with any condition, also having a well equiped department for cardiac emergencies, stroke and trauma

Endocrinology & Diabetology

The Fetal Medicine department provides care to pregnant women and fetus throughout their pregnancy period

Fetal Medicine

The Fetal Medicine department provides care to pregnant women and fetus throughout their pregnancy period

General Surgery

General surgery department which focuses on adbominal contents and often the thyroid gland.They also deal with diseases involving the skin, breast, soft tissue, trauma, etc.

Internal Medicine

At Virinchi People’s Hospital internists will manage your overall healthcare and help develop a health and wellness plan that is right for you

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laproscopy is a minimal invasive surgery. It aids diagnosis or therapeutic interventions with a few small cuts in the abdomen.

Pediatrics & Neonatology

Neonatology is a subspecialty of pediatrics that consists of the medical care of newborn infants, especially the ill or premature newborn


Nutrition is the supply of materials that organisms and cells require to live.Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients in food in relation to maintenance, growth , reproduction and health.


The Department of Ophthalmology at Virinchi People’s Hospital treats and manages the full spectrum of eye disease, providing world-class eye care for everything from contact lens fitting to the most advanced refractive cataract surgeries.

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric department at Virinchi People’s Hospital offers care for all of your child’s needs from infancy to young adulthood.


It is a branch of medicine that uses physical therapy to improve a patient’s quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis, physical intervention, and patient education.


For those clients with significant risk factors and acute psychiatric symptoms, our dedicated psychiatric unit provides state-of-the-art safety features.

Spine Clinic

Spine care treatment is not aimed at simply primary pathology such as infections or tumours but also towards the preservation and recovery of the spinal cord.

Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the promotion of health and fitness by exercises


Medical imaging specialty focused on diagnosing and treating diseases using techniques like X-rays, MRI, and CT scans.


Study of diseases by examining tissues, cells, and bodily fluids to understand their causes and effects.