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24X7 Virinchi Assistance

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World Asthma Day
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    • May 3rd is World Asthma Day and the theme for the year 2022 is ‘Closing Gaps in Asthma Care’.
    • Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways that can be easily treated and well controlled.
    • Asthma presents itself mainly in childhood and early adulthood, but it can start at any age.
    • The common symptoms of asthma are breathing difficulty, wheezing, chest tightness and cough that can vary over time and in intensity. Seasonal and diurnal changes mark the disease.
    • About 50-60% of asthmatics have an underlying allergic tendency (atopy) and it is known as an allergic asthma. These individuals frequently have associated eye, nasal and skin symptoms of allergy.
    • Non-allergic asthma is equally common. It is triggered by viral infections, pollutants (O3, NO2, particulate matter), occupational exposures etc.
    • Obesity associated asthma is also increasing in frequency, in line with the change in dietary habits and lifestyle.
    • A Chest X-ray, Lung Function Tests and a Complete blood count are usually done initially for supporting the diagnosis of asthma and for grading the disease.
    • Specific tests for identifying the allergens in sensitized individuals are also done on a case-to-case basis.
    • The main therapy for asthma is the use of Inhaled Corticosteroids and Bronchodilators delivered using an Inhaler Device or Nebulization machine.
    • Use of inhaler medications on a regular basis helps in control of symptoms and halting the progression of disease.
    • A short course of Oral Steroids maybe required for treating asthma flare-ups.
    • Several new modalities are now available for asthma patients whose symptoms and flare-ups are not controlled on the Inhaled steroids and bronchodilator therapy such as Allergen Immunotherapy (AIT), Biological therapies (Targeted therapy) and Bronchial Thermoplasty.
    • Avoidance of allergens in sensitized individuals, reducing exposure to outdoor and indoor air pollution, vaccinations as per schedule, tobacco smoking cessation and healthy lifestyle are also required for control of asthma.