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About RTS
Message from our Director
Benefits & Privileges
RTS Package
RTS Registration
Our Team
About RTS
What is Right to Science Club?
Virinchi’s ‘Right to Science’ (RTS) Club is an exclusive subscription plan for patients to enjoy a lifetime of privileged benefits and access to experiential high-end clinical treatments.
The aim of “Right to Science” (RTS) Club is to provide every club member access to all the medical science advancements in diagnosis and therapy, in time to save his or her life.
The following are the objectives of the club:
- Provide its members access to comprehensive, evidence-based preventive and predictive healthcare through initiatives like Out-patient Program, Inpatient-Top up insurances, Right to Science partnerships and collaborations
- Foster deeper relationships between clinicians, healthcare providers and members through workshops and programs where the members Family Meets and interacts with Doctors in an out of hospital environment
- Keep members abreast of the latest advancements and developments in the fields of medical sciences, biotechnology, bio medical engineering sciences, digital medicine, medical statistics and pharmacology through participation in national and international conferences, and partnerships with industry, government and universities
- Allow members with similar health issues to group up on physical and digital platforms , encourage discussions on their issues and find solutions
- Conduct health camps and events for members focussed on healthy living, longevity and wellness
- Educate the members on the importance of science in their daily life specifically towards medical and healthcare, and to create interest in and awareness of latest advancements through newsletters, blogs and other communication channels, and through expert talks
- Create a forum for members with orphan diseases wherein they can search for medical solutions
Message from our Director
Dear Friends, my colleagues, patients, citizens of India
Greetings from Virinchi People’s Hospitals!
I take this opportunity to introduce you to a unique initiative of Right to Science that is being implemented at Virinchi People’s Hospitals.
Right to Science very simply stated, is a basic human right to enjoy benefits of scientific progress and its applications. Applied to the medical science, it allows us to offer to our patients the best and the latest innovations, -of course in an evidence-based manner and with the benefit of patient as a core principle.
What a perfect mix this is when combined with a team of world-class top-notch doctors driven to do the best for their patients, which Virinchi People’s Hospitals has!
As doctors or patients, we have seen government systems where it takes a whole lifetime or a whole career to be able to introduce and integrate even a single novel technology into the practice. At the other extreme are Equipment manufacturers & pharma companies that push hospitals to inculcate/purchase all and every new and costly equipment/drug without correlation to either patient’s unmet needs or ability to pay while claiming benefit over existing modes.
Right to Science atVirinchi People’s Hospitals is an initiative to balance just that.
The process is simple. A novel innovation/technique/biomarker is identified- it is assessed thoroughly for scientific evidence and whether it meets the unmet demand of the patients in term of diagnosis or therapy, whether it fits into the “do-no-harm” principle and is assessed for relevance to our larger patient pool. If it is found to have such utility, measures are taken to offer it to our patients at lowest cost with due volume negotiation with the innovator. It’s the objective of the RTS initiative to provide, every single innovation that a patient can benefit from, to be made available to our patients in India, here at Virinchi People’s Hospitals.
Another exciting aspect of RTS which we have envisioned as our founding principles is in the areas of Regenerative medicine, Genetics, Cell culture, Transplant medicine, Clinical trials and collaborative clinical research.
We look at these as the future of personalised medicine and as the medical revolution that awaits mankind.
But it has been said that it takes 17 years and a Billion dollars for clinical adoption of a scientific discovery.
17 years!
Considering the knowledge boom, the increase in number of well-designed scientific trials and innovations, this number ought to go down and we have a unique opportunity to be vehicles for this change. In fact, world over, there are measures being introduced to reduce this gap for the benefit of humanity.
10 years ago, my grandfather died – blind for the last years of his life due to complications of diabetic retinopathy. He spent these last years in repeated visits to numerous eye hospitals- travelling to every city and every doctor that was well spoken of for a cure to his blindness- with no respite. In the end, he was more shattered by his dependency due to the blindness than any other illness. It pains me to think that just a year later, the revolutionary anti VEGF therapy entered India. More painful is the fact that enough evidence was available many years before it did so.
It seems like a humongous task though- keeping at pace with every single innovation in the world what with the large number of diseases mankind can suffer from and the large number of studies being done. Add to that, the fact that in routine practice, as clinicians, doctors are faced with several challenges that demand our time. But working as a team we are determined that we can do this.
As I see it, we have the best brains of clinicians and surgeons, a well-established in-house research organisation in the form of Vivo Biotech-offering drug development & discovery services to companies world-wide, an IT team that’s working full time for the benefit of the hospital Electronic Medical records, and a team of dedicated science graduates ready to evolve and to assist clinicians in fulfilling this dream of Right to Science.
Although traditionally it is safe practice to do what we have been comfortable in doing, RTS demands of us to feel vulnerable again yet primarily protecting the interests of the patient. It is what we, if we were patients, would want our doctors to offer to us.
RTS is rational -beautifully driven by evidence, humble yet ambitious, it is science at its very best-it is us at our very best, and essentially cannot function without a clear intent, purpose and determination.
To quote Tuli Kupferberg – “When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge!”
We look forward to bringing in this new world and making it possible with unstinting & able support from our fantastic faculty.
I urge the reader to watch this space for exciting updates from our team
Best Regards
Director-Right to Science
Virinchi People’s Hospitals
Benefits & Privileges
What are the privileges of joining the club?
As a club member, you would be eligible for the following privileges:
- Dedicated hours of outpatient consulting from 5PM-midnight everyday, where in only Club Members will be allowed
- Privileged treatment during anytime outside the Club hours
- Dedicated waiting area only for Club members away from the public
- In-depth consultations with specialists so that you can take informed decisions
- Dedicated relationship manager who will coordinate all your hospital visits and ensure that they are not only hassle-free but also delightful
What are the benefits of joining the club?
As a member of the premium RTS Club, you can avail several benefits including:
- Medicine supplies up to the amount of your membership fee
- Free 4 consultations per family member per year, with each consultation worth INR 1000/-
- Free One-time comprehensive health check worth INR 50000/- per family member
- Free Annual health check worth INR 25000/- per family member
- Free additional Lab tests worth INR 10000/- per family member
In monetary terms, a family of 2 gets 4 times the membership amount paid and family of more than 2 members gets 5 times the membership amount.
RTS Package
Why should I choose Right to Science Club?
The RTS Club is a novel way of accessing hospital services wherein you get privileged treatment like dedicated relationship manager, in-depth consultation sessions with specialists, and benefits of 4 times or more money back. In addition to this, the RTS Club ensures that the latest in medical and allied sciences are available to you. The pursuits of the RTS Club go beyond hospital services and include industry collaborations and scientific advancement.
If you are someone who is interested in the latest that the field of healthcare has to offer or if you are someone with regular medical expenses or you are someone with a very unique healthcare problem like an orphan disease, the RTS Club is for you.
Are there any specific specialties that Right to Science Club caters to?
The premium RTS Club offers all hospital services covering all known specialties and sub-specialties without preference for any one specialty. More importantly, hospital services are only a component of the club. The pursuits of the club go beyond hospital services and include industry collaborations and scientific advancement, which are specialty-agnostic.
What are the timings of the RTS Club?
Everyday, between 5PM-midnight, the RTS Club is open only to Club members for outpatient consultation services.
Do I necessarily need to add all my family members?
No, you don’t necessarily need to add all your family members. We have packages for families with 6 members, 4 members and 2 members. You can choose a package that fits your requirements. For details of packages, please refer to RTS Package.
What are the payment options available?
For the package desired by you, you can choose to make complete down payment at once or choose a monthly EMI option.
Can I pay online?
Yes, RTS Club allows you and its members to pay online. To make a payment, please visit RTS Payments.Can I pay monthly EMI?
Yes, RTS Club allows you and its members to pay monthly EMI. To make a payment, please visit RTS PaymentsI have been offered the RTS Club membership as a corporate perk in my job. Do I have to make any payments?
Individuals availing RTS Club membership through their corporate sponsor need not worry about payments. Your corporate sponsor will make all the payments on your behalf.
All your pharmacy purchases are deducted from the privileged membership number provided to you. Once you cross the ceiling for pharmacy purchases, you need to purchase medicines by paying the MRP.
How do I become a member of the club?
Becoming a member of the RTS Club is very simple. Visit www.virinchihospitals.com/right-to-science or download Virinchi Health Mobile App and check our RTS Club feature for registering.We seek the following details during registration: full name, mobile number, contact address and date of birth, of which the first two are mandatory. Registration costs a nominal fee of 100/-. To avail specific benefits like Outpatient program, you need to pay as per the package.Can I cancel my membership in the middle?
Firstly, we regret to lose a valuable member like you. If your decision is final, we urge you to consider transferring your membership to a close relative or a friend, who can avail the benefits of the RTS Club on a pro-rata basis. If you don’t want to consider even the transfer option, we will certainly process your cancellation request. Please note that there is no refund of the membership fees already paid in case of cancellation.Can I transfer my membership to anyone?
Firstly, we regret to lose a valuable member like you. Transferring of membership is allowed once during the lifetime of the membership account number. For example, you can transfer your membership to anyone, but the recipient will not be able to further transfer the membership to anyone else. Membership can be transferred anytime during the lifetime of the membership account number. Members who receive transferred membership, can avail all benefits of the membership account number on a pro-rata basis.Whom do I reach out to if I have any problems?
All members have a dedicated relationship manager, who can be reached at anytime. Details of your dedicated relationship manager are available in RTS Club feature of Virinchi Health mobile app. You can reach out to your relationship manager through a phone call or email or quick query.In case your dedicated relationship manager is not reachable due to unforeseeable circumstances, you can call 040-46999999.How do I book appointments?
You can book appointments using Virinchi Health Mobile App or by calling your dedicated relationship manager.What happens if I book an appointment and don’t show up?
We understand that sometimes overlapping priorities make you skip a pre-booked appointment. In case such a scenario occurs, your dedicated relationship manager will call you to reschedule the appointment at the earliest convenient time possible.How can I consult a doctor on video?
Consulting a doctor on mobile happens in a few clicks. From your Virinchi Health mobile app, click on Video Consultation. You can choose from a list of over 40 specialties. Upon choosing any specialty, you can view the list of doctors available for video calls and their timings. Simply click on the name of the doctor with whom you want a consultation, and then click on Start Consultation. The doctor would appear on the video shortly.Do you deliver drugs to my home?
Home delivery of drugs is provided as a special privilege only to RTS Club members. You can purchase your medicines as prescribed by our doctors directly through the mobile app or by contacting your dedicated relationship manager or our dedicated customer care number. Please note that your pharmacy purchases are free up to the membership fee of the package chosen by you.Can I call the Call Centre for my appointment bookings, medicine purchases or should I do it only from the mobile app or website?
You can avail all RTS Club outpatient services from Virinchi Health mobile app or by contacting your dedicated relationship manager. In case your dedicated relationship manager is not reachable due to unforeseeable circumstances, you can call 040-46999999.What all are offered in the first comprehensive baseline test?
Please check the details under RTS Packages.What should I do when I forgot password?
Please enter the registered Email Id or Phone number and enter the OTP number that you receive and the new password that you want to set and continue to reset the password.What should I do when forgot login?
Please contact customer support at : 040 4699 9999How do you ensure safety of my health records?
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you access our website.How do you ensure data privacy?
We maintain the highest data safety standards in the world to ensure zero-breach. These include the most rigorous steps to guarantee that they can be accessed only with your explicit permission using a one-time password. For example your doctor referring to your blood test report gets one-time password to access the report basis your permission. As a company policy we don’t trade, share or give access to any of your data to any UNAUTHORIZED individual or third party, under any circumstances.How protected is your mobile app from hacking?
We operate at 3-Tier levels of security and protection. Our call center, website and mobile app are as hack proof as the best in the world.
Every citizen should have the “Right to Science”, wherein he or she can have access to all the medical science advancements in diagnosis and therapy, in time to save his or her life.
Why Not? Nothing is more important than human life!
Medical science has grown by leaps and bounds in a multitude of directions, more so, in the last one decade. From soluble stents for cardiac patients to adoptive immunity, check point inhibition for cancer patients, from organ regeneration for liver patients to gene editing for thalassemia patients, from robotic surgeries for inaccessible interventions to continuous telemetry of bio-markers, from single beat CT scan to 3T fMRI, from genome and epigenome based big-data diagnosis to machine-learning based patient similarity studies, from full life medical event book-keeping on smartphones to smart wearables – the remarkable accomplishments of science are redefining our belief of life expectancy and it may not be far, that we may even push the retirement age by a decade, by each passing decade.
Even today, most of these scientific advancements remain inaccessible to large sections of Indians for multiple reasons. It is to bridge this gap that we have undertaken this movement we term “Right to Science”.
Equipment based on future science
3T fMRI, Dual energy 128 slice CT scan, IVUS-FFR Cath Lab and Twin Detector Digital X ray, lab-equipment capable of analysing 15,000 bio-markers.Right to science in therapy
Future is all about Stem cell based therapies, organ regeneration, adoptive immune therapies, check point inhibition therapies, re-construction surgeries, gene editing, fully-guided surgeries, implants and transplants, 3D printed skeletal scaffolds, bionic prosthetics, biological prosthetics, and nanotechnology for disease detection, drug delivery and cell/tissue corrections.Diagnosis based on Big Data
What is preferable? Study few parameters and treat based on population statistics or study all parameters and give a personalized treatment.Personalized Medicine
What works for you based on your genetic construct may not work for others. Personalized medicine with predictive diagnosis to reduce disorders’ incidence, enhance treatment specificity, reduce relapse and reduce overall treatment burden.Everything is Insured for Everyone
Virinchi has devised a unique model of insurance for even outpatient services for its premium member of the Right to Science Club.
Your Right to Science can be exercised anytime, from anywhere on your mobile:
“Mobile” Video Consultation
Virinchi provides video consultations with doctors via smartphones.Medical Event Book Keeping
Virinchi’s Mobile app enables each patient to have the complete medical history of every test and hospitalization record on the cloud and as well as on the mobile for the individual and his family for their entire lifetime, which they can zip and forward to any doctor for a second opinion.Healthcare as a Welcome Experience
Virinchi is a truly paperless ‘mobile-only’ hospital with all front office, nursing and ward processes executed completely on tablets.Also, you can visit the RIGHT TO SCIENCE CLUB in person at Virinchi Circle, Road # 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
RTS Registration
Our Team
- Oversees the activities that require scientific inputs for establishing strategic and research collaborations
- Evaluates biomedical devices, procedures and therapeutics
- Contributes towards branding, marketing and basic biological research initiatives
Mr. Sam Davala
Director of Scientific Affairs
- MBBS, DNB (Ophthalmolgy), Cornea Fellowship LVPEI
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Cornea & Anterior Segment Specialist
- Expert in Cataract, Cornea and Anterior Segment surgeries
About RTS
Message from our Director

Benefits & Privileges

RTS Package
RTS Registration
Our Team
About RTS
What is Right to Science Club?
Virinchi’s ‘Right to Science’ (RTS) Club is an exclusive subscription plan for patients to enjoy a lifetime of privileged benefits and access to experiential high-end clinical treatments.
The aim of “Right to Science” (RTS) Club is to provide every club member access to all the medical science advancements in diagnosis and therapy, in time to save his or her life.
The following are the objectives of the club:
- Provide its members access to comprehensive, evidence-based preventive and predictive healthcare through initiatives like Out-patient Program, Inpatient-Top up insurances, Right to Science partnerships and collaborations
- Foster deeper relationships between clinicians, healthcare providers and members through workshops and programs where the members Family Meets and interacts with Doctors in an out of hospital environment
- Keep members abreast of the latest advancements and developments in the fields of medical sciences, biotechnology, bio medical engineering sciences, digital medicine, medical statistics and pharmacology through participation in national and international conferences, and partnerships with industry, government and universities
- Allow members with similar health issues to group up on physical and digital platforms , encourage discussions on their issues and find solutions
- Conduct health camps and events for members focussed on healthy living, longevity and wellness
- Educate the members on the importance of science in their daily life specifically towards medical and healthcare, and to create interest in and awareness of latest advancements through newsletters, blogs and other communication channels, and through expert talks
- Create a forum for members with orphan diseases wherein they can search for medical solutions
Message from our Director

Benefits & Privileges
What are the privileges of joining the club?
As a club member, you would be eligible for the following privileges:
- Dedicated hours of outpatient consulting from 5PM-midnight everyday, where in only Club Members will be allowed
- Privileged treatment during anytime outside the Club hours
- Dedicated waiting area only for Club members away from the public
- In-depth consultations with specialists so that you can take informed decisions
- Dedicated relationship manager who will coordinate all your hospital visits and ensure that they are not only hassle-free but also delightful

What are the benefits of joining the club?
As a member of the premium RTS Club, you can avail several benefits including:
- Medicine supplies up to the amount of your membership fee
- Free 4 consultations per family member per year, with each consultation worth INR 1000/-
- Free One-time comprehensive health check worth INR 50000/- per family member
- Free Annual health check worth INR 25000/- per family member
- Free additional Lab tests worth INR 10000/- per family member
In monetary terms, a family of 2 gets 4 times the membership amount paid and family of more than 2 members gets 5 times the membership amount.

RTS Package
Why should I choose Right to Science Club?
The RTS Club is a novel way of accessing hospital services wherein you get privileged treatment like dedicated relationship manager, in-depth consultation sessions with specialists, and benefits of 4 times or more money back. In addition to this, the RTS Club ensures that the latest in medical and allied sciences are available to you. The pursuits of the RTS Club go beyond hospital services and include industry collaborations and scientific advancement.
If you are someone who is interested in the latest that the field of healthcare has to offer or if you are someone with regular medical expenses or you are someone with a very unique healthcare problem like an orphan disease, the RTS Club is for you.
Are there any specific specialties that Right to Science Club caters to?
The premium RTS Club offers all hospital services covering all known specialties and sub-specialties without preference for any one specialty. More importantly, hospital services are only a component of the club. The pursuits of the club go beyond hospital services and include industry collaborations and scientific advancement, which are specialty-agnostic.
What are the timings of the RTS Club?
Everyday, between 5PM-midnight, the RTS Club is open only to Club members for outpatient consultation services.
Do I necessarily need to add all my family members?
No, you don’t necessarily need to add all your family members. We have packages for families with 6 members, 4 members and 2 members. You can choose a package that fits your requirements. For details of packages, please refer to RTS Package.
What are the payment options available?
For the package desired by you, you can choose to make complete down payment at once or choose a monthly EMI option.
Can I pay online?
Yes, RTS Club allows you and its members to pay online. To make a payment, please visit RTS Payments.Can I pay monthly EMI?
Yes, RTS Club allows you and its members to pay monthly EMI. To make a payment, please visit RTS PaymentsI have been offered the RTS Club membership as a corporate perk in my job. Do I have to make any payments?
Individuals availing RTS Club membership through their corporate sponsor need not worry about payments. Your corporate sponsor will make all the payments on your behalf.
All your pharmacy purchases are deducted from the privileged membership number provided to you. Once you cross the ceiling for pharmacy purchases, you need to purchase medicines by paying the MRP.
How do I become a member of the club?
Becoming a member of the RTS Club is very simple. Visit www.virinchihospitals.com/right-to-science or download Virinchi Health Mobile App and check our RTS Club feature for registering.We seek the following details during registration: full name, mobile number, contact address and date of birth, of which the first two are mandatory. Registration costs a nominal fee of 100/-. To avail specific benefits like Outpatient program, you need to pay as per the package.Can I cancel my membership in the middle?
Firstly, we regret to lose a valuable member like you. If your decision is final, we urge you to consider transferring your membership to a close relative or a friend, who can avail the benefits of the RTS Club on a pro-rata basis. If you don’t want to consider even the transfer option, we will certainly process your cancellation request. Please note that there is no refund of the membership fees already paid in case of cancellation.Can I transfer my membership to anyone?
Firstly, we regret to lose a valuable member like you. Transferring of membership is allowed once during the lifetime of the membership account number. For example, you can transfer your membership to anyone, but the recipient will not be able to further transfer the membership to anyone else. Membership can be transferred anytime during the lifetime of the membership account number. Members who receive transferred membership, can avail all benefits of the membership account number on a pro-rata basis.Whom do I reach out to if I have any problems?
All members have a dedicated relationship manager, who can be reached at anytime. Details of your dedicated relationship manager are available in RTS Club feature of Virinchi Health mobile app. You can reach out to your relationship manager through a phone call or email or quick query.In case your dedicated relationship manager is not reachable due to unforeseeable circumstances, you can call 040-46999999.How do I book appointments?
You can book appointments using Virinchi Health Mobile App or by calling your dedicated relationship manager.What happens if I book an appointment and don’t show up?
We understand that sometimes overlapping priorities make you skip a pre-booked appointment. In case such a scenario occurs, your dedicated relationship manager will call you to reschedule the appointment at the earliest convenient time possible.How can I consult a doctor on video?
Consulting a doctor on mobile happens in a few clicks. From your Virinchi Health mobile app, click on Video Consultation. You can choose from a list of over 40 specialties. Upon choosing any specialty, you can view the list of doctors available for video calls and their timings. Simply click on the name of the doctor with whom you want a consultation, and then click on Start Consultation. The doctor would appear on the video shortly.Do you deliver drugs to my home?
Home delivery of drugs is provided as a special privilege only to RTS Club members. You can purchase your medicines as prescribed by our doctors directly through the mobile app or by contacting your dedicated relationship manager or our dedicated customer care number. Please note that your pharmacy purchases are free up to the membership fee of the package chosen by you.Can I call the Call Centre for my appointment bookings, medicine purchases or should I do it only from the mobile app or website?
You can avail all RTS Club outpatient services from Virinchi Health mobile app or by contacting your dedicated relationship manager. In case your dedicated relationship manager is not reachable due to unforeseeable circumstances, you can call 040-46999999.What all are offered in the first comprehensive baseline test?
Please check the details under RTS Packages.What should I do when I forgot password?
Please enter the registered Email Id or Phone number and enter the OTP number that you receive and the new password that you want to set and continue to reset the password.What should I do when forgot login?
Please contact customer support at : 040 4699 9999How do you ensure safety of my health records?
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you access our website.How do you ensure data privacy?
We maintain the highest data safety standards in the world to ensure zero-breach. These include the most rigorous steps to guarantee that they can be accessed only with your explicit permission using a one-time password. For example your doctor referring to your blood test report gets one-time password to access the report basis your permission. As a company policy we don’t trade, share or give access to any of your data to any UNAUTHORIZED individual or third party, under any circumstances.How protected is your mobile app from hacking?
We operate at 3-Tier levels of security and protection. Our call center, website and mobile app are as hack proof as the best in the world.
Every citizen should have the “Right to Science”, wherein he or she can have access to all the medical science advancements in diagnosis and therapy, in time to save his or her life.
Why Not? Nothing is more important than human life!
Medical science has grown by leaps and bounds in a multitude of directions, more so, in the last one decade. From soluble stents for cardiac patients to adoptive immunity, check point inhibition for cancer patients, from organ regeneration for liver patients to gene editing for thalassemia patients, from robotic surgeries for inaccessible interventions to continuous telemetry of bio-markers, from single beat CT scan to 3T fMRI, from genome and epigenome based big-data diagnosis to machine-learning based patient similarity studies, from full life medical event book-keeping on smartphones to smart wearables – the remarkable accomplishments of science are redefining our belief of life expectancy and it may not be far, that we may even push the retirement age by a decade, by each passing decade.
Even today, most of these scientific advancements remain inaccessible to large sections of Indians for multiple reasons. It is to bridge this gap that we have undertaken this movement we term “Right to Science”.
Equipment based on future science
3T fMRI, Dual energy 128 slice CT scan, IVUS-FFR Cath Lab and Twin Detector Digital X ray, lab-equipment capable of analysing 15,000 bio-markers.Right to science in therapy
Future is all about Stem cell based therapies, organ regeneration, adoptive immune therapies, check point inhibition therapies, re-construction surgeries, gene editing, fully-guided surgeries, implants and transplants, 3D printed skeletal scaffolds, bionic prosthetics, biological prosthetics, and nanotechnology for disease detection, drug delivery and cell/tissue corrections.Diagnosis based on Big Data
What is preferable? Study few parameters and treat based on population statistics or study all parameters and give a personalized treatment.Personalized Medicine
What works for you based on your genetic construct may not work for others. Personalized medicine with predictive diagnosis to reduce disorders’ incidence, enhance treatment specificity, reduce relapse and reduce overall treatment burden.Everything is Insured for Everyone
Virinchi has devised a unique model of insurance for even outpatient services for its premium member of the Right to Science Club.
Your Right to Science can be exercised anytime, from anywhere on your mobile:
“Mobile” Video Consultation
Virinchi provides video consultations with doctors via smartphones.Medical Event Book Keeping
Virinchi’s Mobile app enables each patient to have the complete medical history of every test and hospitalization record on the cloud and as well as on the mobile for the individual and his family for their entire lifetime, which they can zip and forward to any doctor for a second opinion.Healthcare as a Welcome Experience
Virinchi is a truly paperless ‘mobile-only’ hospital with all front office, nursing and ward processes executed completely on tablets.Also, you can visit the RIGHT TO SCIENCE CLUB in person at Virinchi Circle, Road # 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
RTS Registration
Our Team
- Oversees the activities that require scientific inputs for establishing strategic and research collaborations
- Evaluates biomedical devices, procedures and therapeutics
- Contributes towards branding, marketing and basic biological research initiatives
Mr. Sam Davala
Director of Scientific Affairs
- MBBS, DNB (Ophthalmolgy), Cornea Fellowship LVPEI
- Consultant Ophthalmologist Cornea & Anterior Segment Specialist
- Expert in Cataract, Cornea and Anterior Segment surgeries